Horoscope For November 26, 2023 — The Moon Enters Gemini…..


The Full Moon is in Gemini, which represents the discharge of energy. On November 26, 2023, see how this affects your horoscope.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

When the Moon enters Gemini, inspiration begins to flow. Today is an excellent day to sketch out your future plans. Make a list of your uncertainties, as well as a list of your aspirations and dreams. This day is intended to promote free-flowing thought. Try not to control what comes to mind. Instead, let yourself to daydream without restraint.

Taurus (20 April – 20 May)

You never know when and where an opportunity will present itself. The Moon enters Gemini, your own investment and money area. You can discover that there is untapped potential in a business initiative or at your workplace. Keep your mind and eyes open for what the universe has to show you because awareness can become a form of superpower for you.

Gemini (from May 21 to June 20)


It’s your day, Gemini, and when the Moon enters your sign, it’s time to consider what you require and how to obtain it. The next several days are ideal for completing tasks that you have been putting off in order to aid others. Get your bedroom organized. Take care of your mind and body. Treat yourself to a day of rest and relaxation if you have a gym with a pool or spa.

Cancer (from June 21 to July 22)

You can’t undo the past, but you can stop obsessing over it. The Moon enters Gemini, which can evoke negative memories. Make a list of them to help you process your emotions. Declutter your mind by writing down the entire sequence of events and promising yourself not to think about it again. Instead, put it aside and clear your mind so you may enjoy the remainder of your day.

Leo (from July 23 to August 22)

It’s all too easy to lose touch with wonderful friends, even if you’re always able to pick up where you left off. The Moon enters Gemini, inviting you to reach out to your pals, particularly those in your business networking circle. You can contact people through LinkedIn or send a Hallmark or Blue Mountain ecard for the holiday.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Think outside of the box, Virgo. A new approach to your work may be needed, but knowing where to start or what to offer to the supervisor is never easy. The Moon enters Gemini, your zone of social standing. That tremendous injection of confidence you needed? It’s here, and it’s here to help you believe in yourself. You may not see the light at the end of the tunnel today, but you might before the Full Moon tomorrow. Be patient.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)


You enjoy to ponder about interesting topics, and the Moon entering Gemini is just what you need to feel attracted by unique ideas by famous thinkers. Libby, the library app, allows you to borrow an audiobook. If you have Audible but haven’t used it in a while, choose a few titles or podcasts to listen to while taking a stroll during your lunch break.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) is a fixed sign.

What is small talk? Not you, sir. The Moon enters Gemini, making you dislike themes that you find uninteresting and drab. Today is the day to observe others while silently considering deep thoughts. While others want to go shopping at the mall, you’ll be content to browse for gifts on Amazon.

Sagittarius (22nd November – 21st December)

Life was never supposed to be lived alone, and as the Moon enters Gemini, you value collaboration. Make a business plan if you have one. Consider the type of person you want to work with. What are your strong points and weak points? What characteristics does your ideal teammate have? Post a job on LinkedIn to see what kind of responses you get. Make an effort to be as specific as possible, and don’t hold back on your request.

Capricorn (22nd December – 19th January)


You know what you need to accomplish, but it’s not always as simple as it appears. Drink plenty of water. Take a longer walk. The list is endless. The Moon enters Gemini, bringing some excitement to your health and wellness sector. Today is the day to break out of a rut and push yourself to be the person you want to be instead of making excuses to put things off until tomorrow.

Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)

It’s all too easy to become distracted from everything that life has to offer. You may be drawn to higher risk pursuits as the Moon enters Gemini. You might appreciate watching humor to laugh out loud. You may go dancing with your buddies or go on a food crawl downtown to try new eateries and see live acts.

Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

It could be a busy day with family in town, or you could be the one visiting relatives. The Moon enters Gemini, heightening your desire to be at the center of the action in your daily life. It’s a day to celebrate all of the great things you can do in a crowd. Go bowling or see a movie in the theater. Try ice skating or visiting your nearest escape room.

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