LeBron James Ignoring National Anthem Sparked Outrage

On the internet, basketball superstar LeBron James is receiving criticism for what appears to be a disregard for the national anthem.The star player for the Los Angeles Lakers was present as his son, Bronny, participated in his first game at the collegiate level after suffering a heart crisis in the summer.

The cause of Bronny’s fall, which occurred during a practice in July, was later determined to be a congenital cardiac abnormality throughout the course of treatment.James frequently watches his children play sports from the sidelines. During the previous season, Bronny made a commitment to attend the University of Southern California.

Additionally, James’ middle kid, Bryce, is a student at Sierra Canyon School, which is Bronny’s institution of higher education. At the same time, James is present at his daughter Zhuri’s volleyball matches. The manner in which he entered the Galen Center on Sunday to watch Bronny perform has now brought him to the attention of critics.


LeBron James Ignoring National Anthem Sparked Outrage
LeBron James Ignoring National Anthem Sparked Outrage

According to a video that has been making the rounds on the internet, James entered the arena as The Star-Spangled Banner was playing and promptly sat down in his chair. He did not remove his hat, as is traditional during the playing of the national anthem. While watching the footage, he is seen standing toward the end of the clip.Wednesday was the day that Newsweek sent an email to a representative for James in an attempt to obtain a comment.

Luca Evans, a reporter with the Orange County Register, was the one who took the video and decided to share it on X. Eventually, it was caught up by internet celebrity Collin Rugg, who published it on his account and added the following: “LeBron James walks into the basketball arena while the National Anthem is playing and takes a seat inside the arena.”

“There is absolutely no regard for the nation that provided him with the chance to become a basketball superstar. He has absolutely no respect for the nation that made it possible for him to become a billionaire. There is absolutely no regard for the brave men and women who go to war for our nation so that he can live his life. Embarrassing.”

The video was also caught up by the user @EndWokeness on X, who posted it with the following: “LeBron completely ignores the National Anthem and sits down.”

LeBron James Ignoring National Anthem Sparked Outrage

LeBron James Ignoring National Anthem Sparked Outrage

Many individuals have shown their dissatisfaction with the player by posting their comments in the comment area of this site.One user said that LeBron James has absolutely no respect for the United States of America.Despite this, Evans has responded to the criticism by stating that there is a rationale for James’s decision to join the arena at this particular time.

“As the reporter who took this video, this is gross and completely mischaracterizes the situation,” he wrote in response to X.During Bronny’s time at Sierra Canyon, LeBron has been doing this for a number of years. In order to avoid causing a significant amount of commotion, now is the most optimal time for him to enter. Put a stop to it.”

A discussion broke out in the comment section of Evans’ post, with some people expressing that they did not care that James did not stand, while others argued that he ought to have entered the arena at a different place and time.According to the words of one individual, “God, it’s the anthem who actually cares.”

I, too, was present at the game. They are making an effort to give the impression that he did not stand. Someone else remarked that after the event, he stood and cheered.

LeBron James Ignoring National Anthem Sparked Outrage

LeBron James Ignoring National Anthem Sparked Outrage

There is an infinite number of different opportunities to enter the stadium without making a significant amount of commotion. There is a person on X who disagreed with Evans’ point of view and remarked, “You stop it.”Additionally, you can hear all of the mumbling that goes along with his entrance, as stated by another individual. If the national anthem is over, why not come in as soon as it is over? During the quiet before the game begins, when he wouldn’t be disturbing anything, that would be the ideal situation.

Wednesday, Newsweek reached out to Evans on social media in an effort to obtain a reaction from him.

James recounted the “proud moment” of seeing Bronny overcome the challenges that he had faced over the last few months on November 30. This was despite the fact that it was uncertain whether or not Bronny would be able to play basketball from that point forward.

LeBron James Ignoring National Anthem Sparked Outrage

“You just put it in God’s hands, man, and just trust it,” James stated during the press conference. She was referring to the situation. It’s over with. We as a family prayed together. We were fortunate to have wonderful physicians during the entire process, and they assured us that they had faith that things would turn out for us in a positive way. Additionally, [Bronny] took care of his business well.

Everything was done by him. Not a single obstacle stood in his way. The process of his rehabilitation was not hurried by him in any way. Every action he made was in accordance with the plan, and the fact that he was able to obtain that clearance in the past 48 hours was a major accomplishment for him, as James explained.

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